To get an impression of DeluxeBB’s features and possibilites click here to visit our admin demo. Log-in with the username demo and the password demo to get access to the Admin Control Panel.
DeluxeBB has been translated to German, Arabic, Chinese, Dansk, Nederlands and Spanish. Other languages coming soon.
The latest version of DeluxeBB features:
General Features
- Runs on any machine that supports PHP and MySQL (Linux, Windows, Mac, Solaris, BSD)
- Written in optimized PHP
- Completely relative database
- Encryped passwords
- Admin Control Panel
- Member Control Panel
- Private Messaging System
General Forum Features
- Unlimited forums, topics and answers
- WYSIWYG editor incl. Smilies, Posticons, Censors
- Password Protected Forums
- User List Protected Forums
- Skinning system
- Post preview
- Invisible Browsing
- User ranks / Avatars / Signatures
- Post Reporting – report posts to moderators
- Attachments
- GZIP page compression
- Memberlist
- Forum search
- Who’s online
- Printer friendly version of topics
- New post indicator
- Statistics
- Frequently asked questions
User Features
- User control panel with many settings
- Language chooser
- Configure time and date format
- Set up an avatar / signature
- Private messaging system (Inbox, Outbox, Saves, Tracking) w. email notification
- Subscriptions
Moderation Features
- Pin topics
- Close topics
- Delete topics
- Move topics
- Edit topics
Administration Features
- Permissions system
- Version check
- Tools to optimize the database
- Prune posts & private messages
- Newsletter
- Search & edit users
- Maintenance mode
- Configurable posticons, smilies, censors
- User ranks
- Many general settings all over the board
Security Features
- Spam protection
- Encrypted email addresses all over the forum
- Hide email address / Email form contact
- Membercode system
- Restrict administrators
- Banning system (Ban by name, email, ip, host adress)
- Control panel logs
- Backup system for your database
- Forum rules
- Built-in wordwrap (configurable)
- Email and captcha user verification (configurable)